Pasadena En Español es solo para fines informativos, un servicio para la comunidad de habla hispana. Aun cuando el editor de este sitio ha realizado todos los esfuerzos para que el contenido sea correcto, la información en esta página en línea es por fuentes externas y no se hace responsable de la exactitud, fiabilidad o actualidad del contenido de los datos para lo cual se enlaza directamente con la fuente.Pasadena en Español no se hace responsable por errores, omisiones o retrasos en la información o las posibles pérdidas, lesiones o daños que surjan de su pantalla o el uso, la referencia a, o confianza en cualquier información contenida en el sitio. Toda la información se proporciona en una base como está.
Las opiniones expresadas y los comentarios que se ofrecieran, solo son de quien lo describe y no refleja la opinion de Pasadena en Español ni su editor.
Pasadena En Espanol is for informational purposes only, a service for the Spanish-speaking community. Although the publisher of this site has made every effort to ensure that the content is correct, the information on this online page is by external sources and is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of the data content in which it links directly with the source.
All information is provided as is it. Pasadena en Español is not liable for errors, omissions, delays in information, any losses, injuries, or damages arising from reliance on any information contained on the site.
The opinions expressed and comments offered by third persons, does not reflect the opinion of Pasadena En Español. nor its editor.
The pictures are mostly by the collaboration of Isabel Ramirez, except when is specified with the respective credit.
If you want to use any of the photographs, send a note explaining the use and place in which will be used, even if the picture is modified. write caption and credit associated with the photo and let us know.
To purchase a print, send an email with your order.
Las opiniones expresadas y los comentarios que se ofrecieran, solo son de quien lo describe y no refleja la opinion de Pasadena en Español ni su editor.
Pasadena En Espanol is for informational purposes only, a service for the Spanish-speaking community. Although the publisher of this site has made every effort to ensure that the content is correct, the information on this online page is by external sources and is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of the data content in which it links directly with the source.
All information is provided as is it. Pasadena en Español is not liable for errors, omissions, delays in information, any losses, injuries, or damages arising from reliance on any information contained on the site.
The opinions expressed and comments offered by third persons, does not reflect the opinion of Pasadena En Español. nor its editor.
The pictures are mostly by the collaboration of Isabel Ramirez, except when is specified with the respective credit.
If you want to use any of the photographs, send a note explaining the use and place in which will be used, even if the picture is modified. write caption and credit associated with the photo and let us know.
To purchase a print, send an email with your order.